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Computer System Security and Access Controls

  System Security is a wide field that covers computer system protection: your login accounts with passwords, using file protection to secureyour data unauthourized people and even getting to the wrong hands, encrypting network communications lines and security firewalls from attack from attack from hackers.

computer system security Methods.

 System Access Controls.

Ensuring that unauthorized users don’t get into the system, and by encouraging (and sometimes forcing) authorized users to be security-conscious–for example, by changing their passwords on a regular basis. The system also protects password data and keeps track of who’s doing what in the system, especially if what they’re doing is security-related (e.g., logging in, trying to open a file, using special privileges).

Controlling Data access

 there are various way one can prevent

security prevention measures

  • Authentication
    • A means for one party to verify another’s identity. For example, a client gives a password to Directory Server during an LDAP bind operation.
    • Password policies
      Defines the criteria that a password must satisfy to be considered valid, for example, age, length, and syntax.
    • Encryption
      Protects the privacy of information. When data is encrypted, it is scrambled in a way that only the recipient can understand.
    • Access control
      Tailors the access rights granted to different directory users, and provides a means of specifying required credentials or bind attributes.
    • Account inactivation
      Disables a user account, group of accounts, or an entire domain so that all authentication attempts are automatically rejected.
    • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
      Maintains the integrity of information. If encryption and message digests are applied to the information being sent, the recipient can determine that it was not tampered with during transit.
    • Auditing
      Allows you to determine if the security of your directory has been compromised. For example, you can audit the log files maintained by your directory.

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