We have several Databases that we usually use like Postgre and Oracle. We are looking at MySQL which is a relational database management system based on Structured Query Language. My SQL is mostly used for various purposes like a data warehouse, online selling, and even to keep logs for applications and Web databases.
Installation of MySQL Shell on Linux
We have two repositories we can use to install MySQL Shell on Linux, MySQL APT repository, or My SQL Yum repository if the system you have is not using MySQL repositories. MySQL shell can also be downloaded directly and installed.
MySQL Shell Linux Install Using MySQL APT Repository
if you do not have MySQL APT Repository installed in your Linux System follow these steps of Adding MySQL APT Repository, Ensure that during installation of configuration package in the dialog box ensure you choose MySQL 8.0 as the release you want, Updating package information for MySQL APT Repository is key use this command:-
sudo apt-get update
Command to install MySQL Shell
sudo apt-get install Mysql-shell
To update the MySQL APT repository configuration package we use the below command
sudo apt-get install mysql-apt-config
MySQL Shell Install using MySQL Yum Repository
We have a Linux distribution supported by MySQL Yum Repository. In a situation you do not have MySQL Yum Repository click here to learn how to add the repository
We can configure MySQL Yum Repository to the one we want if already installed using the below command:-
sudo yum remove mysql-community-release
systems with dnf-enabled use
sudo dnf erase mysqli-community-release
Install MySQL Yum repository using these command
sudo yum install mysql-shell
Systems with dnf-enabled use:-
sudo dnf install mysql-shell
For other Linux Distribution you can Download MySQL Shell by clicking here
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