
Python data types with examples

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Python has a variety of built-in data types that allow you to store and manipulate different kinds of information. Some of the most commonly used data types in Python include:

  • Integers: Positive and negative whole numbers, such as 42 and -7. These are represented by the int data type.
  • Floating-point numbers: Numbers with decimal points, such as 3.14 or -2.5. These are represented by the float data type.
  • Strings: Sequences of characters, such as “hello” or “goodbye”. Strings are enclosed in quotes, either single (‘…’) or double (“…”) quotes.
  • Booleans: True or False values. These are used to represent the results of logical operations and are represented by the bool data type.
  • Lists: An ordered collection of items, where each item can be of any data type. Lists are enclosed in square brackets and items are separated by commas.
  • Tuples: Similar to lists, but are immutable (can’t be modified once created). Tuples are enclosed in parentheses and items are separated by commas.
  • Dictionaries: A collection of key-value pairs. Items in a dictionary are enclosed in curly braces {}.
  • Sets: An unordered collection of unique elements. Items in a set are enclosed in curly braces {} and items are separated by commas.

You can use built-in functions and operators to perform operations on these data types, such as addition or concatenation for numbers and strings, or indexing and slicing for lists, tuples, and strings.

Additionally, Python also supports complex data types such as datetime and file handling, the functionalities of set and dictionary with collection library, and other specialized data types with various libraries

The flexible nature of the data types in Python makes it a powerful tool for working with and analyzing data.

Python Data Type Examples Examples

Here are a few more details and examples of each data type:

  • Integers: In Python, integers are represented using the int data type. They can be positive or negative whole numbers, such as 42 or -7. You can perform basic arithmetic operations on integers using standard operators, such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/). Here’s an example:
>>> x = 3
>>> y = 4
>>> z = x + y
>>> z
>>> z = x * y
>>> z
>>> z = x / y 
>>> z 
  • Floating-point numbers: Numbers with decimal points, such as 3.14 or -2.5, are represented using the float data type. You can perform the same arithmetic operations on floats as you can on integers. The result of any of those arithmetic operations will be of float type. Here’s an example:
<code>>>> x = 3.14
>>> y = 2.5
>>> z = x + y
>>> z
>>> z = x * y
>>> z
>>> z = x / y
>>> z
  • Strings: In Python, strings are sequences of characters enclosed in quotes, either single (‘…’) or double (“…”) quotes. You can perform operations such as concatenation, slicing and indexing on strings. Here’s an example of string concatenation:
Copy code>>> x = "hello"
>>> y = "world"
>>> z = x + " " + y
>>> z
'hello world'

You can also use the * operator to repeat a string a certain number of times. For example:

>>> x = "spam"
>>> y = x * 3
>>> y
  • Booleans: In Python, booleans are represented by the bool data type. They can take the values True or False. Boolean values are typically used to represent the results of logical operations, such as equality comparisons or conditions in control flow statements. Here’s an example of a comparison operator:
>>> x = (3 > 2)
>>> x
  • Lists: Lists are ordered collections of items, where each item can be of any data type. Lists are enclosed in square brackets and items are separated by commas. You can use indexing and slicing to access individual items or sublists, and you can use the len() function to find the length of a list. Here’s an example:
>>> x = [3, 2, 1]
>>> x[1]
>>> x[1:3]
>>> len(x)
  • Tuples: Tuples are similar to lists, but are immutable (can’t be modified once created). Tuples are enclosed in parentheses and items are separated by commas. You can also use indexing and slicing to access individual items in a tuple. But due to immutability, you can’t assign a value to an index
>>> x = (3, 2, 1)
>>> x[1]
>>> x[1:3]
  • Dictionaries: Dictionaries are collections of key-value pairs. They are enclosed in curly braces {}. The keys in a dictionary must be unique and immutable (i.e. can’t be modified once created), and the values can be of any data type. You can use keys to access the corresponding values in a dictionary. Here’s an example
    >>> x = {"apple": 3, "banana": 2, "cherry": 1}
    >>> x["banana"]
    >>> x["cherry"] = 4
    >>> x
    {'apple': 3, 'banana': 2, 'cherry': 4}

    You can also use the items(), keys(), values() methods to access the items, keys, or values of a dictionary, respectively.

    >>> x.keys()
    ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']
    >>> x.values()
    [3, 2, 1]
    >>> x.items()
    [('apple', 3), ('banana', 2), ('cherry', 1)]
    • Sets: A set is an unordered collection of unique elements. Sets are enclosed in curly braces {} and items are separated by commas. You can perform set operations such as union, intersection, difference, etc on set. Here’s an example:
    <code>>>> x = {3, 2, 1}
    >>> y = {4, 3, 2}
    >>> z = x & y
    >>> z
    {2, 3}
    >>> z = x | y
    >>> z
    {1, 2, 3, 4}

    These are the common built-in data types in Python and they are very powerful. You can use these data types to represent and manipulate different types of data in your Python programs. The use of the right data type can make your program more efficient and easier to read.


    In conclusion, Python has a variety of built-in data types that allow you to store and manipulate different kinds of information. The most commonly used data types include integers, floating-point numbers, strings, booleans, lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. Each data type has its own set of characteristics and uses. For example, integers and floating-point numbers are used for numerical calculations, strings are used for text data, and lists, tuples and sets are used to store collections of data. Dictionaries are used to store key-value pairs of data.

    It is important to choose the right data type for your specific use case to ensure your program is efficient and easy to understand. Familiarizing yourself with the different data types and the operations that can be performed on them is an important step in becoming a proficient Python programmer.

    Installing Python

    You can install Python on your computer by following the instructions for your specific operating system:

    • Windows: You can download the latest version of Python for Windows from the official website at https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/. Once the download is complete, run the installer and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
    • macOS: The latest version of Python comes pre-installed on macOS. However, if you wish to install a different version or multiple versions of Python, you can use the package manager Homebrew and install Python via the command line by running brew install python3
    • Linux: Most Linux distributions come with Python pre-installed. However, if you want to install a specific version of Python, you can use the package manager of your specific distribution (apt, yum, dnf, etc.) and install it via the command line. For example, on Ubuntu/Debian you can run sudo apt install python3

    Once you’ve installed Python, you can open a command prompt or terminal window and run the command python3 (or python on Windows) to start the Python interpreter. From there, you can enter Python commands and run scripts.

    Please note that the installation process may vary depending on your operating system and the version of Python you are installing. You may also install python through Anaconda or pipenv.

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